KFD Vitamin D3 - 2000iu (240kaps)
198,00 €/Kg
9,90 €
198,00 €/Kg
D3-vitamiin on vajalik
-normaalseks hammaste ja luude arenguks
-aitab kaasa kaltsiumi ja fosfori imendumisele
-vähendab osteoporoosi riski eakatel
-suurendab füüsilist jõudu
-normaalseks hammaste ja luude arenguks
-aitab kaasa kaltsiumi ja fosfori imendumisele
-vähendab osteoporoosi riski eakatel
-suurendab füüsilist jõudu
KFD Vitamin D3 up to 2000 IU of vitamin D3
Vitamin D is necessary for connection to bones and teeth. It also participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Its deficiency can lead, among others for rickets - involving bones and teeth, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases (eg multiple sclerosis), cancer, as well as the process of making the aging process.
Vitamin K is the most experienced and fit ill person. Its deficiency can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Advantages of using KFD Vitamin D3
- Lower risk of osteoporosis in elderly age.
- physical input.
- Positive impact on mobility and functioning of joints.
- Lower risk of cancer, diabetes, depression and heart disease.
It is recommended to consume 1 portion (1 tablet) per day. Take the tablet whole and drink it with water.
Vitamin D is necessary for connection to bones and teeth. It also participates in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Its deficiency can lead, among others for rickets - involving bones and teeth, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases (eg multiple sclerosis), cancer, as well as the process of making the aging process.
Vitamin K is the most experienced and fit ill person. Its deficiency can lead to heart disease and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Advantages of using KFD Vitamin D3
- Lower risk of osteoporosis in elderly age.
- physical input.
- Positive impact on mobility and functioning of joints.
- Lower risk of cancer, diabetes, depression and heart disease.
It is recommended to consume 1 portion (1 tablet) per day. Take the tablet whole and drink it with water.
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